Diablo 4 blitz crit build
Diablo 4 blitz crit build

diablo 4 blitz crit build

In this version, I went with corpse explosion, and I'll explain in a second, though I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it: Hi all, I was hoping to get your thoughts on the best way to build a crit strike bone necro, here's roughly what I'm thinking, but I'm especially uncertain about blight, corpse explosion, and bone spear. From character builds and skills to lore and theories, we have it all covered. Welcome to the un official Diablo 4 subreddit! This is the place for fans to discuss all things related to the highly anticipated fourth installment of the Diablo franchise. Helltides spawn roughly every 2 hours 15 minutes, then run for 1 hour.įor future approximations checkout D4Armory Hell Awaits

diablo 4 blitz crit build

World bosses spawn roughly every 6 hours.

diablo 4 blitz crit build

These times are live times - they will update every minute if new times are available.

Diablo 4 blitz crit build